The word “fondant” means “melting” in French, hinting at comfort food of the most satisfying kind. This traditional recipe offers a simple yet sumptuously tasty side or supper: golden, buttery oven-braised potatoes that are crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, flavoured to savoury perfection with lavender salt and fresh herbs.
Before you jump in, make sure to read our guide to getting the perfect fondant potatoes every time.
6 large waxy potatoes, peeled
2 tbsp olive oil
80g salted butter, slightly chilled and chopped into small cubes
Trim ends of each potato to make a flat surface, then cut in half to make evenly sized cylindrical pieces.
Heat the olive oil in an oven-proof frying pan or skillet. When oil is hot, add the potatoes in a single layer and cook until golden on the bottom (approximately 5 minutes). Turn and repeat until the other side is golden.
Add butter, garlic and salt. Heat for approximately 1 minute, until butter is foamy.
Add stock, and transfer the pan to the oven.
Cook until potatoes are tender, approximately 30 minutes, turning halfway.
Serve in the pan, garnished with fresh herbs if desired.
31 May 2022Yash
i love the color of the potatoes . they look liked garnshd wish honey
04 Apr 2022Nicola Michel
Absolutely delicious potatoes – easy amd very impressive when they’re done!
i love the color of the potatoes . they look liked garnshd wish honey
Absolutely delicious potatoes – easy amd very impressive when they’re done!